I have had recent dealings with the past. The past meaning people who have really hurt me and my family deeply. My typical response is to be cordial, however inside of me boils like lava. Some people like to stay in that hate, but I do not. I wrestle with it. I strive for things to have reconciliation and resolve. In the last two days, I have realized that is not an outward action, but an internal one. There is a theological myth that God creates everything to happen. It is a lie that is taught by Churches, and Denominations. God never wants loved ones to die, have cancer, children murdered, people starving, you get the point. So we wrestle with events because we claim God's creation of it. This is where my reconciliation and resolve starts... God did not create hurt in my life no matter what it is. However, it does pass through his hands. (That is a lot to chew on.) All Goliaths in our lives have big swords. They pierce and cut, because that is the swords purpose, along with the big scary giant. We throw stones at it and feel the battle is over because we knocked the giant down, until the past shows up. I am learning the very things that cut and pierce are the very things that set you free. If I let my understanding go to a place that God did not create awful hurt in my life or events that take place, only then does my interpretations change about the events.
We often live in chains of emotions, keeping ourselves there because of traumatic events. Our internal voice will act as though, "I am chained to this..." but if we changed our interpretation of where we are, "This is chained to me." We now see the passing through of his hand. Situations of jealousy, paranoia, control, deceit, manipulation, and lies might have tried to attack me in the past by the sword, but what I did not realize is it was all passing through his hands to get me out. When we can say that, understand that, this ACTUALLY is when the battle is over and you can stand over the giant with it's own sword because you cut it's head off. No more is this chained to me or I chained to it. Then the deep understanding of famous quoted verse, (Rom. 8:28)"We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." Why? Because all things pass through his hands.