It is a lovely rainy morning. Rain is lovely? It is lovely when you don't want to go anywhere, yet expectations of sunny weather means you will be at a field somewhere all day. So today, yes it is lovely, it is almost a heavenly sound to me as all the windows are up in the house. This week we realized how unbridled the spirit of our pup, Charlee, actually is and was when we began to chase her all over our hill. I know that does not seem like much, but it is when the hill is at about a 75 degree to 80 degree angle, it is more than enough. She looks like an Australian Shepherd plus with her darting movements, but is starting to be larger because she is mixed with Great Pyrenees. The closer we would get to her the more she would dart. Needless to say, at the end of our venture my temper was high. I was as strong as any weightlifter when I picked her up and put her in her crate in the house. Pissed is an understatement. So mad that I went out and bought a trainer to the tune of 300 dollars. There are really only a couple things in life that I hate. I mean absolutely hate.
Number one, I hate to be spat on. Being a special education teacher, over the course of 13 years, it has happened a handful of times as behaviors escalate in situations with students. Once it does towards me, tag me out, because it is my breaking point. I need to leave the room or I will lose my cool. It makes me furious. Number two, I hate to run long distance and for any amount of time. If you see me running like that you better run too, because something is majorly wrong. I will do quick movements and running, but to run for the fun of it... Now that's crazy talk. You can thank my hatred for running to Coach Lonnie Lucas as we would run up and down 5th Avenue to basketball practice and then run till we puked inside Veteran's Memorial Gym. Hated it.
Charlee has smart breeds of dogs in her. She is a fast learner and thank goodness for her. In less than 24 hours, she knows if she hears a beep and does not stop her behavior then vibration is next and she does not like that. The beep brings her straight to me. We humans need beeps. Now do not get all crazy like we are hurting the dog, because we are not. We are training her to bridle her behavior. I have been thinking lately about all the beeps I have ignored over the years. I walked right on through the beeps, to vibration, then to shock until I get immune to the pain and keep on walking. All the while beeps, vibration and shocking are all happening at the same time. Even everyone else can hear it as I walk by, but nnooo... I would put on a smile and say, "I am all good." However, the whole situations would happen just because I did not listen to the beeps.
When I was younger it was things like... skipping school, beeps, then while skipping school got into a car wreck...beep, beep, vibration. Sneaking a boy friend over while my parents are not home, beeps, then we get a little too intimate, beep, beep, vibration, then I got caught by my sister. (Who by the way, thought it was hilarious. As I was having a heart attack, and thinking someone will die over this; While I thought it was my dad coming through the front door.) As an adult, it looks like relationships that I had no business being involved with or in. It was going through ministry processes that I should not have completed. Going to Mt. Zion to run from myself only to find it in the midst of a marriage, that also I should not have had... all beeps, and vibration then wonder why am I getting shocked. I affectionately say often, "Idiot" as I am now to myself.
It is said that we are a smart species. Highly intelligent they say. The longer I am on earth the more I see how stupid we really are. I mean here I am college educated, seemly together and still there are times I walk through the beeps. Charlee has gotten it in 24 hours, I am soon to be going on 40 years. However today, there is hope. The rain will keep me. I must enjoy the rain in my life. The sound is actually almost heavenly.
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