Saturday, October 20, 2018

Where's Waldo?

Every now and then when I let myself sit, you know just be in the quiet, I realize things about myself as I reflect.  As my journey in life progresses there are actually things that I am getting better at doing... We all have life patterns if we would recognize them.  I have said it before, one of my life patterns or purposes is always to move a group of people in a direction.  I cannot make them move, I cannot speak enough to change minds, however by who I am as leader direction changes.  That does not mean it is permanent.  What others do after I exit is up to them whether direction stays the same.  I do not take groups of people to the promise land though I used to suffer trying, but that is not my role in life.  My role/pattern is to stand at the Red Sea and say, "Come on let's walk through it."  And then just like that, you get to start a wilderness experience; Wondering why in the world did we ever walk through that Sea?

I am at that place again in life.  We have walked through the Red Sea found some Wilderness and now it is time for me to exit.  I am not suppose to go to the promise land.  How do I know?  When there are multiple groups of people waiting on me to hold up a staff, I know it is time to leave the ones I have already walked with through the sea.  I have taken pride in being the President of our local youth football league, made some changes, been in a position to love on kids and tried to put them first.  But it is time for me to exit.  I am not sure of the promise land for it,  but my time is up.  Last year, before I even realized it other things were starting to evolve and fall into place of where I need and should be.  I will say the hardest part is I cannot be all things to all people at the same time, because I so love youth sports.  But I will tell it isn't what it use to be.

Youth sports have become a catch all for participation trophies, and community belonging.  Those things are not bad, however it has cost us.  No longer are coaches allowed to coach.  You cannot push a kid because someone gets upset, because they do not like your tone.  No longer are volunteers valued, however they are slaughtered by words of negativity, though those doing the slaughtering are not willing to take time to volunteer themselves.  I was told this year by someone when I was going through a hard time with youth sports... "I got out of youth sports, because I was tired of destroying and losing friendships over it."  I now get it.  People do not like to hear, "Your child does not have the ability or even the desire to play." However on the flip side, "It is also painful for parents to watch their child not get a chance."  I have experienced both sides.  Personally, this year I sacrificed my own child's success to not let 12 other families down with having a team.  As a parent it has been very hard, but as a President it was the right decision.  I am not willing to make those calls anymore.

The seasons once again are changing in my life.  Sometimes, I often feel like I am in a Where's Waldo  book.  Next week I will pop-up on a basketball court.  Which I am excited about, and it also seems to be a season to make family memories as much as possible.   Seasonal change sometimes is like breathing fresh air.  I use to fight against it, but I am learning to embrace the need for things to die in-order for there to be new growth.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Are You Numb?

This past week I have watched interviews and videos of HOT BUTTON topics in the the news right now.  You do not typically see me post or rant about politics or hot button topics, because I firmly believe you have a right to your opinion, though I might not agree with you.  However, sometimes the bantering like children fighting over a toy, that goes on and on in our society does drive me nuts at times.  I am always up for a healthy debate on issues and views of the world around us.  Healthy being the operative word.  Nevertheless, most people are not up for a healthy conversation or debate they go for the jugular.  There comes a point where conversations are no longer about information exchanges or ideas, but it becomes about the kill.  Most people do not want to view human behavior as barbaric, but it seems we are less civilized than what we are willing to acknowledge.  People are cruel and it saddens me we are teaching generations that it is okay.

When in the world did everyone get so mean?  I can remember if people saw others in a fight they would stop and break it up.  Those notions are almost foreign.  The reason I know this is because we no longer stand against the MEAN of the world, yet stand with them.  Have you ever watched the show, "What Would You Do?" Well,  if you haven't the shows premise is to create situations in public to see how people would respond.  Basically, putting the MEAN out there to see if any good person will come and shut down the mean.  Interesting plot for entertainment, don't you think?  Which also tells me that my assumptions are true that MEAN is such a norm, that someone had a bright idea to show there might still be some good out there.

My thoughts are NOT on the HOT BUTTON topics, however once again when in the world did we all grow numb to the MEAN.  When did times change that we allow others to make fun of people with disabilities,  demoralize people over gender, race, social status, and ethnicity?  Or when did we decide to graze over any form of abuse.  I know this has always happened.  Groups of people oppressed,  but there were good folks out there that would join and stand up and say, "You know this just isn't right how people are treated."  Where are those people?  I watch good people care more about what is in their bank account than to Vote against such things.  Where are the good people?  Where are the Martin Luther King Jr.s,  Abe Lincolns,  Mahatma Gandis, Joan of Arcs, John Kennedys, and Nelson Mandelas?  Don't get me wrong all people have flaws and even the ones I listed have flaws.  There is a difference in flaws and mean.

Now,  I will nail the Church and Church Folk.  In the midst of MEAN, not only are you allowing it, but you lead it.  Hypocrisy of Christianity makes my blood boil faster than anything.  It is MEAN masked in good. (DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: There are still good saints among us.  Very few, it is almost like the Jedi Order) You know good ole scripture... Having a FORM of godliness but denying the power thereof...  But actually just this week I had pieces of the onion of revelation peeled back.  This is not new from the Church.  It is just what has happen behind the doors of the Church coming out into the streets, because the Church has become so full of it that it has no other place to go, but out.  I have said this many times and I said it again this past week.  It is one of those life changing statements that your heart speaks that your mind must wrap around.  Here is my message to the Church, because of the MEAN...  "If you really know Jesus he would have nothing to do with the Church.  Jesus would have to learn CHURCH, because he is so far removed from it."

This would be the modern day scene.  Politicians, Christianity all standing around with rocks labeled with words,  greed, sexual abuse, liar, mental abuse, slave, controlling etc... around those that are victims of the words on the rocks.  As the accusers (Politicians, Christianity)  raise their hands and scream, "IN THE NAME OF JESUS."  Jesus all the while, crouched down drawing in the sand beside the victims.  This time and in this story he doesn't stop the rocks from being thrown.  Not this time. This time he stays close to the ground where he knows the victims are going to fall.  The accusers sense justification as they see Jesus crouched on the ground because he is near. Yet, he is not near because of them.  The victims fall one by one as they are stoned.  Jesus as he stays close to them whispers in their ears,  "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, I never you; depart from Me you who practice lawlessness! Don't worry I got you."