Charlee reminds me about somethings I have seen this week and people in general. People do the same things as Charlee, they run from windows to doors barking to be heard. Barking to scare off something out there that might be dangerous. It is a scary time we live in right now, with all the barking. You never know if someone will actually storm out the door to attack or do they have a leash on. Left or Right, people have lost their humanity. It is funny to me how one side will naturally always think that they are indefinitely correct in their thoughts, and ideas. News Flash or Fake News, however your view, NO ONE IS CORRECT 100% of the time. Barking has thrown ethics and morality to the way-side. Last night we drove past a marque of a church that I highly regard which said, "Be Thankful for our Religious Liberties." Do we have those? I mean in theory we do. However, there is a lot of barking at you if you if you do not claim Christianity. I know there are plenty of Muslims that wonder if the barking will ever lead to an attack.
Two memes that I've read this week have really bothered me. One has come from the Left and the other from the Right. The first meme was about Michelle Obama's new book. It showed someone throwing away the book in the trash then says, "This is how you read Michelle Obama's new book." The second meme has a picture of Ivanka Trump with the statement, "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!" Attaching the story of her using a personal email account for government business. Both memes were posted by seemly people that I think are good people, but it very much gave me a different view of them. Is it all just barking? I don't know. However, the barking makes us focus on the barker. It keeps us all on alert. Here is the lesson I am learning and definitely learned this morning, if I just get up instead of saying, "STOP CHARLEE, NO CHARLEE, GO LAY DOWN CHARLEE" the barking tends to stop faster and a leash shows I love her, which stops the attacks. Maybe, if we all just would get up the calm would come.
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