Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Early mornings are always the quietest around the house.  It is a great time to read or write.  No one in this house is an earlier-bird like our new pup Charlee, however Luke David (my son) and myself definitely come in a close second.  This morning I started reading The Boston Declaration.  It is a declaration made by over 300 theologians to challenge the corruption of modern day Christianity.

As I read it, I seemingly started to get fired up.  Yet, the house is so quiet.  No one to preach to but my internal-self and Charlee, which is too busy with peanut butter and her kong.  Whoever made that thing, thank you!  In the article they quoted Mark 8:36, "What does it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul."  Interesting scripture to use to denounce modern Christianity.  The "WHOLE WORLD" has always been taught as all "sinfulness natures" here in the Bible belt.  If you were to ask most in this area they would say "WHOLE WORLD" would mean to fit in what Christian calls sinners, and far from saints, or believers.  "WHOLE WORLD" in these parts of the country look like this, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, other religions than Christianity, women, poor, those who struggle with addictions, and anyone of color other than white.  Don't talk to them, socialize with them, or spend time with them, because they might just rub off on you like a virus.  The only time you are around them is to talk Jesus-ese for them to be "Saved."  Typically anyone that disagrees with that statement is White and especially White males.  NEWS FLASH!!

In shouting agreement to The Boston Declaration,  the Good News of the Gospel is radical inclusivity.  Not to power over individuals or control them.  Modern Christianity enables hate.  Hate for people of color, other religions, other cultures, LGBTQ, sexism, and anyone that could be vulnerable in society. God so loved the world...which means everything in it.  Foundation of Christianity is LOVE.  If a belief system that is masked in hate, yet claims love, but does not produce friends that is far from Jesus.  My Grace was a costly one.  It wasn't cheap.  It is not just Grace that fits a certain, size, shape, or color.  It is Grace for ALL that believe.  I am part of the WHOSOEVER.  I want to teach my boys, my family, and my community, that ALL people you encounter are part of the WHOSOEVER too.  That's how we change the world, and that's how we denounce modern Christianity and replace it with Christ. THE GOOD NEWS. No cheap GRACE, nothing but the best has been given.

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