Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Put Me In Coach"

I woke up this morning after a three day stretch of middle school girl's basketball games, thinking to myself; What constitutes a win?  All our games ended with a win for us, I might add.  However, is a win just measured by score? Being number one?  Most points made?  Making my question more complicated is a win the same as success?

Every time I coach no matter the age of the athlete you deal with the same issues. Maybe different intensity, but same root issues.  Parents who think their child is the best: Why are they not playing more?  Why are they not getting the ball more, running the ball more, pitching the ball more?  My favorite is, you are a terrible coach, statements from parents.  Then you play teams that are totally gunning for you.  You walk in their gym or on their field, and the whole community just wants to hate you, because of a win from two years ago.  (Me even typing that, it makes me laugh at how ridiculous that is.) Yet, they also make sure they find the ref or umpire that hates you just as much to bend calls.  Finally then, you have to deal with players.  Players that do not believe in themselves.  Players that have great ability, but are uncoachable. Players that lack in ability, but have heart.  Players that have no clue how good they are, so they goof off.  Nevertheless, if you mutter through all that and in a game get a win, sometimes you do not realize what a miracle that just might be.

But back to my original question, Is a win the same as success?  I am going to say, "No."  The more I think about it, the more I believe a win is settling for less in the pursuit for success.  Success has no end, you can always be more successful.  However, when the clock horn sounds, or at the end of the 9th will find a win or a lose.  Both could be a measure of success.  I told the girls last night before the game, "Success is when preparation and opportunity meet."  The measure of preparation will determine the level of success once you have the opportunity to succeed.  I have gotten the chance to watch girls who never played the game of basketball succeed, because they wanted to be successful, not just win.  It was about development of their self.  Those who get stuck in the muck of opinionated parents, uncoachable attitudes, or hung up on wins or loses stifle real success from ever happening.  If they are lucky they might get a win here or there.

Sports throughout the years have taught me many life lessons.  Those that I have coached no matter the age I have tried to give those nuggets to them as I too try to use them.  In life you are going to have "haters"  no matter what you do.  You could be the best coach, teacher, parent, employee, player, or spouse, but someone is going to have an opinion that you are not the right person for the job.  You will hear people are replaceable in positions.  However, those statements typically get in people's heads to create poor attitudes, because those opinions/ statements have some truth.  So then the weight of success falls on you.  Will you settle for a few wins or will you be successful at wherever your feet are planted?  Will your preparation when given the opportunity create success?

My daddy taught me along time ago a lesson that seems to have missed some generations.  Stop playing the blame game.  Lack of success is never because of an outside source.  It is not because you work for a bad company, have terrible coaches, your spouse is mean, your parents did not care, or even that you grew up poor.  Lack of success happens because YOU do not put in the time for preparation.

I guess my thoughts this morning boil down to this... MY preparation will determine MY success when given the opportunity, and hopefully I will get a few wins along the way.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

"In The Stillness"

Early mornings always have a sense of calm to them.  Maybe that is just because I do not have two little bodies running around stirring the whole house, and continuing chanting, " Mom. Mom. Mom." Or maybe it is because it is before the sun is up, and there is a stillness in the atmosphere.  I have noticed, included myself we struggle with stillness.  We wrestle with it.  Does that mean we do not move?  I do not believe so.  I believe it is a state of mind more than it has to do with motion.  We create motion so we do not have to be still, in our bodies or in our thinking.  It is almost like a domino effect.  Be still and know...  What a loaded regurgitated scripture, and statement, that we have a hard time even understanding the concept and point.

There are multiple studies out there that talk about average amount of times we make decisions a day.  They range from 220 to 700,000.  Regardless, the right average number it makes my brain hurt just thinking about it.  Like many in the Bible Belt, I have been taught there is a definite right path and wrong path.  There is never gray, it is always black and white.  You know, " The path of the Lord is through a narrow gate."  I believe that statement, but not in the context that it has been taught to me.  It has nothing to do with a path, meaning an actual path, but has everything to do with a state of mind and heart.  The narrow gate is choosing love over hate, forgiveness or vengeance, faith over fear, you get the point.  It is the harder state of heart and mind.  We would rather walk away than work it out.  Cuss people out, than to listen and understand.  Handling things in life contrary to what is easy is the narrow gate and the path of the Lord.

Decision making always is a struggle for me.  Which is the right way? Which is the wrong way? I do not want to mess up, or miss it.  I have been taught that the Lord is waiting to smack me over the head when I make a wrong choice.  Now, there have been times I totally needed the Lord and everyone else to smack me over the head for some decisions in life. However, do not get me wrong, there are natural consequences to decisions.  Sometimes, we do not for see those consequences.  Leadership in any sense is not something I take lightly, but I seem to always be thrusted into, even when I run from it.  It finds me.  So not only do I make decisions for my four, and try to say, "No more."  I also am typically making decisions for hundreds.  That is a lot of pressure.  More and more I am learning it is not necessarily a right way or a wrong way, it is in the being still that matters.

Sometimes you just know when a decision is wrong.  It is not out of fear or worry. It is just wrong.  As an example, shooting up would just be wrong,  and driving 103 miles an hour in a 25 speed zone just would be wrong.  But what happens when you do not know what the natural consequences are going to be.  I am huge on transparency and being relatable.  So I am going to go out on that limb.  Personally, my family has had offers to increase job opportunities.  It would not be much change in salary, maybe a little more,  more independence, but also more riding on self.  There are pros and cons, what do you do?  What do you do when you are typically the one that leads and you have no answers for those waiting?  Then in the waiting, those holding out for you to lead start to get discourage and immediately say, "Let's not do this."  They think it must be the wrong way, because I am not leading in any direction.  At the same time,  I am in a position that making decisions effects at least 150 families in my community, not including a future story for a community that clings to it's historical roots.  In this position, decisions that need to be made are not wrong or right, but more matters of comfort and opinions.  However, either direction will have natural consequences, that will greatly effect the community and families.  I put all options on the table when making decisions.  I try not to do anything without weighing it all out.  When I do that others around me think that I am heading in one direction, but that typically is not the case.  I want to make informative decisions.  In the gathering of information, I also am trying to be still.  Is there a right or wrong path in any of these situations?  God waiting to hit me over the head?  Probably not, but I am sure there are some people that want to.  

This is what I know, when I need wisdom, I seek those who are wise.  When I want informed, I go to those that have information.  When I need peace as I go, I go to the place where I find it; Some meditate, pray, take walks, work out, but I go to the Bible.  It must be spoken to me.  There are 89 verses in the Bible that talk about making crooked paths straight.  But with two of them it is prefaced by stating, "Prepare the way the of the Lord."  Which means to me I must do something to prepare for the crooked path to be straight. My answer to that is, "Be still and know that I am God."  It is how I prepare.  If he dwells inside of me, and orders my steps, then wherever I plant my foot he is there.  Being still before I step,  prepares me to take my first step, and as I left my leg in a direction within the atmosphere of stirring, "Make room she is about to step, and she comes in the name of the Lord, because that is not an item of clothing to take on and off.  It is in her. Prepare the way. The crooked paths will become straight."  What I can be assure of no matter the decisions or directions I go, I am not alone.  My stillness is almost over, I am about ready to step.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

"Sowing Seeds"

It is the sixth day of what started out as a three day weekend in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.  I do not want to complain, but I want out of the house.  Snow has shut down our schools for three extra days.  They originally called for 1-3 inches of snow and we got 6-8 inches.  The city was not prepared.  Maybe they were prepared, but do not have the means to satisfy any of us or keep children safe as they ride a bus.  One can only do so many puzzles, board games, card games, and eat Tandy's food until you cannot move.  Do not get me wrong, I adore my boys, and I adore Tandy but I need... to be at a basketball court, be in a classroom, be around other people, to be helping special needs children.  After so many days not doing what I am made to do, I am like a fish out of water.  Almost like a refugee, because I have been displaced.  Stay at home mom is not my gig, although Tandy begs for it in the form of retirement.

This week I had another one of those moments that took me back to a "KNOW THAT I KNOW" moment.  I was talking to someone via text and I looked up at Tandy and said, "They missed it."  She smiled and said to me, "I know."  Those people whom I was talking about I love dearly, nothing could have changed the events that set course other than themselves, and now they are starting to see what it has cost them.  How often do we take chances in life or gamble on what is uncertain?  Almost never.  We go to what looks easy, what taste sweet, what looks peaceful, what looks secure and then find out it wasn't the way, because our journey needed us to take a risk.  A risk to trust.  A risk to believe. A risk to have faith.

I am in this holding place in my life.  I am trying not to fight it, but to let it do its work in me.  Ringing of, "Character before calling. Character before calling" in my head.  I am having my character developed.  It is interesting because people might think I have great character.  I am not saying I don't, but do I have faith with my character.  In different situations would I steal if I had no money?  I know it might be hard to think like that, but I have been put in that situation.  Do I have faith even enough to let God deal with situations or do I figure it out on my own?  And even finding the balance of both.  Will I walk with integrity even if there is personal gain if I don't?  What makes me mad, injustice?  Then do I speak truth, or do I say it will all work itself out? Where is the balance?

My hope in this place comes from the "SEED."  Seeds I have planted and seeds planted in me.  It is a time of growth.  Never underestimate the power of the seed.  Miracles happen because of seeds.  Hearts change because of seeds.  Mountains move because of seeds.  Restoration happens because of seeds.  I am not where I thought I was going to be, but the seed needed to be put in the ground.  Character needed challenged and cultivated.  Have I given up, "No."  Harvest will come as long as I take care of the seed.  I have not given up faith.  The power of the seed is what drives me.  I am displaced for it to do its work in me.  I believe God takes us to these places and then flashes us hope, which speaks, "The seed is not dead."  When seeds are nurtured then topsoils of hurt are shoved aways because the focus is the seed.  It is why Jesus could show mercy as people spat in his face.  It is why David knew he only needed stones to face a giant.  Seeds were being planted.  It is why Moses needed to be a shepherd before parting the Red Sea.  Seeds were being planted.  It is why in my life I was handed a Webble-Wobble person, from one of the most influential teachers, because a seed was being planted that I won't fall down.

Over and over my spirit cries out to find the seed.  Shove the topsoil away, find the seed.  Never underestimate the power of the seed.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

"Safe in the Storm"

Today, I traveled into a storm system.  I experienced winds, rain, sleet, ice and snow.  I knew driving would be difficult.  It stresses my dad out when I travel, especially if I do while it is storming.  I am a daddy's girl, but he also works in a field where he has seen many fatalities.  I am almost 38-yrs-old, actually in 4 days I will be, happily married, have a home, good job, mother of two, but I will assure you once I am on the road three hours later I will call my dad. "Dad, I made it safe, and I love you."

Lately, I have had friends go through some storms.  Now there are different levels of storms, but storms nonetheless are storms.  All storm systems react and feel different depending on location, but it still can be the same system.  People might receive only high winds, while others might experience whole towns underwater. The definition of storm is a violent disturbance in the atmosphere or tumultuous reaction.  One might wonder why do we have them.  Without the storms things could not grow, change,  or be exposed.  It seems the more we challenge the storm the more violent it becomes in our lives.  I am gathering in my experience that we are at the mercy of the storms.  I cannot change weather patterns, and I cannot change storms that I might encounter in my life.  How I deal with them is the key...  Do the floods create destruction or can I see the rebuilding needed?  Do I let the wind blow electrical lines down, and sit without power, or do I go buy a generator?  There are times we get so emotionally wrapped up in the storms that we create an atmosphere that changes the landscape, which influences the storms we endure.  It is much like mountain ranges, jet streams, and costal winds.

While traveling through the storm, I realized my focused changed.  It changed from singing songs from the top of my lungs to, what is the temperature now, as rain turned to ice.  Thoughts of my boys came to my mind while driving.  "Wonder if they are ok in this storm?  Be safe Chana. Concentrate Chana. Just keep going. Watch the road.  Dad will kill me if I wreck.  I do not want to tell him if I do.  Oh, here comes a Semi. Just be safe, stay alert."  Over and over my thoughts went.  I realized I had the drive to push through it and felt somewhat safe in my Chevy Truck.  We had multiple family members traveling in the storm to reach the same destination.  However, a family that was traveling had to stop an hour away from our destination, because they did not have a four wheel drive vehicle. It is a new vehicle and even made by the same company as my truck, but no four wheel drive.  It was safer for them to stop.

It is imperative to understand the vehicle your traveling in while going through a storm.  It keeps you safe. It keeps you moving.  Can it handle the weather?  Know the weakness of when to stop, when to go, and when to just park it.  Through it all, my understanding is know how dependable your vehicle will be to weather the storms actually, not the storm itself.  Its whole purpose is movement from point A to B.  And at the end of the storm you can say, "Dad, I made it safe, and I love you."

Sunday, January 7, 2018

"Not Die, But Live"

Have you ever been in a situation and you do not know what to do?  How to act?  What should my response be?  Around death I am like that.  In a couple of days I will be in another funeral situation.  This time I will not be looked at as a minister, but as family.  I am not good at these things.  People expect me to be, but I am not.  That doesn't mean I do not hold it together, or say wrong things.  I typically do not say much of anything.  There is a reason for that...I understand there is nothing anyone can say or do to help grief of lose.  Nothing. It is best I just listen.  You hear things like they are in a better place, which most would mean heaven, but that also means being with us is terrible.  You can hear they are at peace now, are they? Dead means peace?  Why do we do that?  Why do we create these sayings? Is it to make us feel better or is it truth?  I try not to say things like that, because I am not the judge of one's heart.

I have been around the funeral business and even education of morticians.  It is actually intriguing, the science and history of it all.  Most of our practices of the preparation and services of the dead stem around the church.  Imagine that?  The church even controlled the history of the funeral business.  I do not know the actual process of what happens when we take our last breath.  It also makes me question anyone that says that they do.  It is one of the unknowns of life.  Now that also does not mean that I do not have a belief in what I think happens either.  My belief system is not because I have researched it scripturally, or experienced it naturally.  However scripturally, maybe a little.  But there is not much on the subject.  I would venture to say that is why there is so many variations of beliefs in the after-life.  It would also seem to make me question spirituality that focuses more on after-life than life.  Do I live for the unknown or do I make the most of what I know.  Should I not focus on being kind, loving, giving, hopeful,  and joyous now?  And to all people?  That would make sense to me.  But who am I?  I believe I am part of a royal priesthood and chosen people to speak and live such things.  But once again that is up to individual belief systems.

If your thoughts and beliefs of the after-life did not happen, what harm is created by kindness, love, giving, hope, and joy to others in life today?  Is your belief of after-life based on who you should and should not be those things to?  If so that is very shallow belief system.  If your statement is I must, "Love the sinner, hate the sin."  I will say it again, "Your belief system is shallow."  I will farther challenge that statement and say, IT IS NOT IN THE BIBLE.  Are we not all sinners? Is it not written we have all fallen short of the glory of God?  Then one must go back to, what is sin?  The scriptural definition to sin is, "To know to do right and do it not."  Let's measure that out a bit.

Is it right to alienate another human-being?  Is it right to judge others?  Is it right not to love others?  Almost everyone would say, "No."  However, lets get real.  We fight inclusion of ALL everyday in this country, just turn on the news.  Let's bring it home, where it is real.  Do we do it in our families? Do we do it in our communities?  I am going to recall a painful story.  I am sure my family will not be pleased by what I write, but in my writing I hope others feel they are not alone, and it brings about hope and peace for them.

I was in a salon one day and a lady went to the same church as a family member.  My family member had been with this person in the altar area praying about salvation.  When my family member began to talk about sin and that we all have junk.  My family member didn't talk about their own junk, but what they perceived is my junk.  The statement went something like this, " We all have stuff, you see I have a lesbian in my family."  Now I must laugh at the whole thing, because I see how shallow a belief system of my family member is and was.  (Love the sinner, hate the sin.)  I would also like to emphasize I have no relationship with this person anymore because of my 'sin.'  Which what they call sin, I call me.  It took me a long time to find and understand me because of the church, not because of God, but the church.  Those who are the holier Christians than the real Christians.  I know, Ouch.

Years ago, a man who poured into me spiritually, he would always say, "You could be bitter or better."  I understand what better now means.  I show mercy, love, kindness, to those that even do not show it to me.  I include when I have been isolated. Why? Because no matter what I believe happens in the after-life,  I live for today.  For if I do what I know is right today, it would seem that the after-life will work itself out.  I should be focusing on being kind, loving, giving, merciful, hopeful and joyous.  Believing in the Character of Christ so that I may not die, but live.  For if I don't that, it would be considered sin to me, and I do not want to answer for others lack of character, but for the character created in me.

Friday, January 5, 2018

"Connect the Dots"

Have you ever walked into a room, and forget why you walked in there?  Or have you ever call out to your children, spouse, someone in the house, and forget what you were going to say or ask of them?  Those things drive me nuts when I do them.  I have notice the older I get the more I do them.  I use to also make fun of women that said, "They lost their brains after giving birth to their children."  However, it is really a thing. Trust me.  Seems like my memory was sucked right out of me by two measly 6 lb. boys.  Once you get to the room you stand there for a second, still can't remember you just move on to something in that room. My favorite is when I walk back to where I was, and still try to remember, then shake my head at myself.

Every now again, I reflect on 'my story.'  As I reflect, in my mind I think,  I do not want to ever forget that.  I am realizing that most of us think and remember in bullets.  You know, like a history timeline.  We do not remember much of the in-between just the bullet points.  Why is that?  What makes the bullets so important to us?  Our memory bullets are changes good or bad of direction in our lives. Something that you can say, "Change happened here."  But what about the in-between?  Do we just forget about it?  Do we ever learn from it, or are we just jumping from dot to dot of the imprints of our lives? Interesting thought isn't it?

I can accurately state, in-between my bullets, my dots, the line is not straight.  My line would look more like a mountain range.  Maybe that's why we like to forget about the in-betweens.  It is the in-betweens that make the bullets.  It reminds me of playing sports.  The player with the assist typically never gets the glory.  It is always the one making the points.  I was not that kind of player.  I always wanted to help make the team look good, not just me.  I was a setter in volleyball. Now I could hit, but leading as a setter you have more control of the game.  You are the glue of the team.  Same in basketball, good passes, rebounds, defense, creates opportunities.  I loved creating opportunities.  I am the how did I get there girl.

Some might focus on the bullets of life, but I want to know how that even occurred.  How did I get where I am today, when all the odds were against me?  What created the shifts in life?  I wonder at the end of life, and I meet my Maker are the bullets that stand out to me going to be the same as the Makers? Probably not.  I would venture to say my Maker cares about the line in-between the dots.  The end result is never the focus, but the journey of the in-between.  That is what creates heart, and character.  It is never if I feed the hungry, clothed the poor, or give to those in need, however it is always the journey of my heart to get me to that point.

My daily reading today came from the book of Genesis. Chapter 18:14 says, "Is nothing too hard for the Lord?" Of course I would say, "No!"  But do I believe that?  We pray for all kinds of things, but maybe it is not the fact that the prayers get answered. Maybe it is what happens as we pray (the line in-between the dots).  Don't get me wrong, answered prayers are special.  The answer never changes me.  It is just the conclusion of a situation.  It is the ending point and beginning point (the dot).  Next time when I feel the need to reflect on 'my story,' or even tell my story I shouldn't highlight or try to remember the bullet points.  Just maybe I should understand my lines of how I got there, because that is actually where real change happens.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Pass the Basket"

What a glorious day!  I could say it is because I woke up this morning, or Charlee (the puppy) slept till 7 a.m. Not that those things are not glorious.  But I will be honest, it is not for any of those reasons.  It is not because the sun came up, or all the many sometimes overlooked blessings that I have.  It is however, because the boys go back to school, Tandy has to go to work a little, and I get the house to myself. Quiet and calm is what I am going for today.  It is 2018 and work for me does not start until January 4th.  It is like a blanket of wonderful.  I must be cautious not to gloat too much, or I will for sure have a to-do list; Which will hamper on me sitting downstairs by the fire in the oversized chair reading a book.

Last night we had a few people over from the community, that I would consider friends.  We decided to show our appreciation to them for all they do within the community, and for especially their giving to the youth in our community.  I believe it is very important to show appreciation to those that give.  I know, I know the Bible says, "To be a cheerful giver." I know that is what we should do. Give cheerfully never wanting anything in return.  These people are those people, but I will tell you it is always nice to show how grateful you are when the giver gives, and you receive just as cheerful as they gave.

I will say one of our biggest wrestles in this house is this very and receiving.  One of my roles in this house is worrying.  I get to figure out the bills and what we can and cannot do.  When can we go on vacation, or take an extra trip?  (Remember those things are my natural Heaven.)  I very much look forward to my feet in the sand every year.  However, the other 360 days, maybe 350 days, of the year I get to contend with the most hospitable giver I have ever met, Tandance Jo.  It truly is a gift from God.  For her it is effortless.  It does not matter where we go, you will find a swarm of people around her, and she will being giving something to them.  It could be a laugh, food, drinks, or just a needed feel good moment.  Nevertheless, people will flock to her.  With this God given gift, comes sacrifice.  You would think that it wouldn't but it does.  I am learning with all gifts those around you typically sacrifice the most as you pour out your purpose in life.  Her gift challenges me almost everyday.

My role once again is worrying.  I get the who, what, when, where, and hows of the business side of life.  We are not wealthy by any means,  however, I can say we are blessed.  We are blessed because in my worry, I have a person who understands a principle that is hard for me to grasp. "I was young, and now I am old, but I have never seen good people left helpless or their children begging for food."(Ps 37:15)  Now if you were to ask Tandy what scripture she is living by, she would crack up in your face.  For she will not quote scripture at you.  She will however give you a principle, "If I continually give, I know I will always be taken care of."  I can say, "We have only $5" and her response, "It will be fine."  But someone has to worry, right?

As I look back on 2017, and the many lessons that I needed to learn one sticks out the most.  "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." (Ps. 91:11)  Does all mean ALL?  I believe it does, however I can tell you that I put limits on it.  I am learning more and more, that God typically is not in the church house.  I am not saying people should not go to church.  However, the abundance of his character is not found there.  Last night in my house I got to see and experience the presence of the Lord.  As I looked around my table, people were carefree.  There was a no judgement zone.  It was not a bunch that you would think would be sitting together.  All very different individuals.  There were professionals with degrees, blue collar workers, business minded people, social service people, older, younger, no one represented the same social notch in life.  Yet, as laughter filled the air, and actually love for others was present, I realized it was a gift from God that it was all possible.  Jesus is not in the do's and don'ts of life.  Church folks always get caught up in giving church jargon and miss the point.  What I realized last night was the actual meaning of "Where two or three are gathering in my name..."  You see I carry His name so no matter where I am gathered...there He will be.  Why do I enjoy some of my closest friends? It is because it is where two or three are gathered... Why did last night seem so great.... it is because it was where two or three were gathered.

In 2016 and 2017, I was standing behind a pulpit almost every Sunday.  I knew nothing, but how to submit to what the Lord wanted me to say.  I would be humble, and God would honor it by His anointing.  It was for and to a people that needed whatever the message was... it was hard for some to swallow, even though I knew that, I would try to be as obedient as possible.  In that time God honored my obedience.  I would not compromise integrity to achieve men or women's approval.  It seemed in the church atmosphere he used me to shake things up.  Church during those times were a baring of my soul and spirit before a group of people as I was being used as a mouthpiece.  It was an experience that I would long for from Sunday to Sunday, wondering what God would have me do next.  I never thought my next would be not in that place, but here I am.  Here I am, as at least once a week I get to experience the real character of Christ around my table.  I get to experience, "Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in the midst."  His real presence never comes by the way we think that it should.  His growing or molding us never comes by the way we think that it should either.  The character of Christ is being shown and taught to me by the ways of card games, board games, coaching, leading youth, delicious meals, tasting drinks, and much laughter.  At this time I am not behind the pulpit, and I do not know if I ever will be again.  Nonetheless, I am living the pulpit and not just standing behind it.

I have not realized until today I am living a "feed the 5,000" experience.  Tandance Jo is saying, "Bring the baskets of whatever we have."  And I am understanding the multitude will be wherever God sends me.  It seems it is in the most unlikely courts, football fields, community meetings, special needs classrooms, funerals, but especially around our table.  All the while I hear the still small voice, "But your are a chosen people...God's own people in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."  I can attest if church is not your thing, or even if it is, around 7:00 p.m. every night the presence of God shows up at our house around our table, because it is where two or three are gathered in his name.  If you happen to show up Tandy will tell me, "Get the basket."  I assure you, that you will leave full whether it is from food, love, laughter, or all the above. You are welcomed here. It is a no judgement, carefree zone, with the molding of the character of Christ.