Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Pass the Basket"

What a glorious day!  I could say it is because I woke up this morning, or Charlee (the puppy) slept till 7 a.m. Not that those things are not glorious.  But I will be honest, it is not for any of those reasons.  It is not because the sun came up, or all the many sometimes overlooked blessings that I have.  It is however, because the boys go back to school, Tandy has to go to work a little, and I get the house to myself. Quiet and calm is what I am going for today.  It is 2018 and work for me does not start until January 4th.  It is like a blanket of wonderful.  I must be cautious not to gloat too much, or I will for sure have a to-do list; Which will hamper on me sitting downstairs by the fire in the oversized chair reading a book.

Last night we had a few people over from the community, that I would consider friends.  We decided to show our appreciation to them for all they do within the community, and for especially their giving to the youth in our community.  I believe it is very important to show appreciation to those that give.  I know, I know the Bible says, "To be a cheerful giver." I know that is what we should do. Give cheerfully never wanting anything in return.  These people are those people, but I will tell you it is always nice to show how grateful you are when the giver gives, and you receive just as cheerful as they gave.

I will say one of our biggest wrestles in this house is this very and receiving.  One of my roles in this house is worrying.  I get to figure out the bills and what we can and cannot do.  When can we go on vacation, or take an extra trip?  (Remember those things are my natural Heaven.)  I very much look forward to my feet in the sand every year.  However, the other 360 days, maybe 350 days, of the year I get to contend with the most hospitable giver I have ever met, Tandance Jo.  It truly is a gift from God.  For her it is effortless.  It does not matter where we go, you will find a swarm of people around her, and she will being giving something to them.  It could be a laugh, food, drinks, or just a needed feel good moment.  Nevertheless, people will flock to her.  With this God given gift, comes sacrifice.  You would think that it wouldn't but it does.  I am learning with all gifts those around you typically sacrifice the most as you pour out your purpose in life.  Her gift challenges me almost everyday.

My role once again is worrying.  I get the who, what, when, where, and hows of the business side of life.  We are not wealthy by any means,  however, I can say we are blessed.  We are blessed because in my worry, I have a person who understands a principle that is hard for me to grasp. "I was young, and now I am old, but I have never seen good people left helpless or their children begging for food."(Ps 37:15)  Now if you were to ask Tandy what scripture she is living by, she would crack up in your face.  For she will not quote scripture at you.  She will however give you a principle, "If I continually give, I know I will always be taken care of."  I can say, "We have only $5" and her response, "It will be fine."  But someone has to worry, right?

As I look back on 2017, and the many lessons that I needed to learn one sticks out the most.  "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." (Ps. 91:11)  Does all mean ALL?  I believe it does, however I can tell you that I put limits on it.  I am learning more and more, that God typically is not in the church house.  I am not saying people should not go to church.  However, the abundance of his character is not found there.  Last night in my house I got to see and experience the presence of the Lord.  As I looked around my table, people were carefree.  There was a no judgement zone.  It was not a bunch that you would think would be sitting together.  All very different individuals.  There were professionals with degrees, blue collar workers, business minded people, social service people, older, younger, no one represented the same social notch in life.  Yet, as laughter filled the air, and actually love for others was present, I realized it was a gift from God that it was all possible.  Jesus is not in the do's and don'ts of life.  Church folks always get caught up in giving church jargon and miss the point.  What I realized last night was the actual meaning of "Where two or three are gathering in my name..."  You see I carry His name so no matter where I am gathered...there He will be.  Why do I enjoy some of my closest friends? It is because it is where two or three are gathered... Why did last night seem so great.... it is because it was where two or three were gathered.

In 2016 and 2017, I was standing behind a pulpit almost every Sunday.  I knew nothing, but how to submit to what the Lord wanted me to say.  I would be humble, and God would honor it by His anointing.  It was for and to a people that needed whatever the message was... it was hard for some to swallow, even though I knew that, I would try to be as obedient as possible.  In that time God honored my obedience.  I would not compromise integrity to achieve men or women's approval.  It seemed in the church atmosphere he used me to shake things up.  Church during those times were a baring of my soul and spirit before a group of people as I was being used as a mouthpiece.  It was an experience that I would long for from Sunday to Sunday, wondering what God would have me do next.  I never thought my next would be not in that place, but here I am.  Here I am, as at least once a week I get to experience the real character of Christ around my table.  I get to experience, "Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in the midst."  His real presence never comes by the way we think that it should.  His growing or molding us never comes by the way we think that it should either.  The character of Christ is being shown and taught to me by the ways of card games, board games, coaching, leading youth, delicious meals, tasting drinks, and much laughter.  At this time I am not behind the pulpit, and I do not know if I ever will be again.  Nonetheless, I am living the pulpit and not just standing behind it.

I have not realized until today I am living a "feed the 5,000" experience.  Tandance Jo is saying, "Bring the baskets of whatever we have."  And I am understanding the multitude will be wherever God sends me.  It seems it is in the most unlikely courts, football fields, community meetings, special needs classrooms, funerals, but especially around our table.  All the while I hear the still small voice, "But your are a chosen people...God's own people in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."  I can attest if church is not your thing, or even if it is, around 7:00 p.m. every night the presence of God shows up at our house around our table, because it is where two or three are gathered in his name.  If you happen to show up Tandy will tell me, "Get the basket."  I assure you, that you will leave full whether it is from food, love, laughter, or all the above. You are welcomed here. It is a no judgement, carefree zone, with the molding of the character of Christ.

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